Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In which Jon Stewart beats the living daylights out of stupid Sarah Palin

The sad and frustrating thing is that stupid Sarah, stupid Sean, and their stupid supporters aren't going to learn a damn thing from this.

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A few minutes later, on his own show Colbert piled on. See it after the jump

Stephen's pep talk to Mika Breshensky who has, alas, exhibited some Palin fatigue.
I know you think this story has no purpose other than keeping Sarah Palin’s name in the headlines for another news cycle. I know you think she has nothing to offer the national dialog and that her speeches are just coded talking points mixed in with words picked up at random from a Thesaurus.

I know you think Sarah Palin is at best a self-promoting ignoramus and at worst a shameless media troll who will abuse any platform to deliver dog-whistle encouragement to a far right base, that may include possible insurrectionists.

I know you think her reality show was pathetically unstatesmanlike and at the same time I know you believe it represents the pinnacle of her potential. And that her transparent desperation to be a celebrity so completely eclipsed her interest in public service so long ago that there would be more journalistic integrity on reporting on of the lesser Kardashians’ ass implants.

I know, i know that when you arrive at the office each day you say a silent prayer that maybe, just maybe, Sarah Palin will at long last just shut up for just ten f*cking minutes. I know because I can see it in your eyes.

Well, guess what, Mika that’s the gig. And it’s only January of 2011, kiddo. And you have a minimum of two more years of this ahead of you. You want to stay in this game? You dig deep. You find another gear. You show up to work every day and get your hear and makeup done. You slap on a smile, get out there on TV and repeat what Sarah Palin said onHannity last night right into the lens.

I have faith in you, kid. You can do it. See you in New Hampshire. I’ll buy.

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