Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rampaging Rebbetzin

The heliaga work-avoiding Ren Reb takes issue with me here and here (comments)

And in deference to her argument, I'd like to point out to the masses that when the the Sages of Lakewood banned the Internet they used the word "breast" in an appropriate context.

They did not write:

Yowza! There sure are a lot of breasts on the Internet. We ban it!. Go learn Shir Hashirim instead!

They did write:

"I am a wall and my breasts are like towers" In the Talmud Rav Yochanan says "I am a wall" this is the Torah "My breasts are like towers" there are the scholars. And Raba says "I am a wall" this is the congregation of Israel. "My breasts are like towers" there are the synagouges and study halls.

Happy now?
